Award Ceremony with world premiere of four pieces of music onto the theme „S.K.A.L.“
In times of Corona SKAL International Austria decided to show strength and a positive attidude towards our work field. The Austrian SKAL Day 2020 was performed against all odds during the International Salzburg Summer Festival on August 14, 2020. Firstly planned to be held on April 24 – 26 together with the opening of the annual Salzburg Karajan Easter Music Festival it had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 shutdown.
The ceremony was held in Kavalierhaus Klessheim the imperial winter castle built for the brother of emperor Kaiser Franz Joseph I. and now one of the best renowned event locactions in Salzburg. GM Basil Englmair is also a member of SKAL International Salzburg thew hosting club of the Austrian SKAL Day 2020.

Dr. Johannes Hörl and Dr. Franz Heffeter surrounded by other Club Presidents and German President Hubert Neubacher. (c) Photo Neumayr
On occasion of the Austrian SKAL day regularly the ceremony of handing over the Tourism Quality Award Trophy is held for a person who has shown great effect on the development of tourism by the outcomes of his or her work . This year SKAL Austria President Dr. Franz Heffeter could hand over the award to Dr. Johannes Hörl who is the representing chairman of the GROHAG Group. The GROHAG was founded by the State of Salzburg and runs five high alpine scenic routes among which the world famous Großglockner Hochalpenstraße crossing the Alps reaching up to almost 3000m with price awarded museums, collections and sustainability facing experience paths ist he best renowned.
The laudatio was given by Mr. Leo Bauernberger head of Salzburg State Tourism Promotion Board Salzburg Land Tourismus. Mr. Bauernberger especially mentioned the effort which is given by the GROHAG and especially Dr. Hörl to enhance the sustainability aspect in high mountain tourism. „Tourism and sustainability have to go hand in hand“, Dr. Hörl said in his words of thanks, „because it is our task to show people that only respect for nature can preserve the beauties of the world for our children.“
The ceremony was embroidered by the world premiere of „Four miniatures onto S.K.A.L.“ commissioned by SKAL Salzburg and composed by Konstantin Hiller. The four pieces of music resemble the four meaningful words of the motto of our organization. The state room of Kavalierhaus castle where the ceremony took place gave a wonderful setting for the world premiere performed by the Ensemble 1756 which in its name and way of performing resembles Mozart’s birth year.

Schlosskonzerte Mirabell
The Austrian SKAL Day was well recognized by the public. It gave an important signal that a responsibly acting tourism industry has a chance for motivating new inputs and driving tourism to new shores in difficult times. The members in the clubs of SKAL Austria are seen as a trusted voice of quality tourism not just working to maximize their own interest but also cooperating with government and social organizations for the future of tourism.
Photo on the left is credited from the Website of Schlosskonzerte Mirabell, showing composer Konstantin Hiller and his ensemble.